How to Monetize Your Authority Blogs Or website

Monetize  your blog.

How to Monetize Your Authority Blogs Or website

We have make it!

After completing nine posts covering all the topics from picking a blog topic to your site to choosing your highest quality plugin, our series on creating a profitable blog is about to end. With this in mind, it seems appropriate that we end up talking about something that most people are interested in more than anyone else: how to make money from your site.

If you've come this far, the puzzle pieces need to be read together. You should be the subject of a great blog, scratch the design and functionality of your blog, create your epic content, launch a social media empire, and (best of all) create an engaged audience. Now is the time to reap the fruits of your labor.
The idea of ​​making money from your authority blog can be overwhelming. Bloggers "Make Money Online" are telling you exactly how you can earn six figures in different ways overnight, how on earth do you know how to get started? Plus, how can you effectively monetize your blog without alienating your audience for free?

In this post we can cut out all the fluff and focus on the key to effectively monetizing an authority's blog.

The truth about monetization of your blogs

According to, 5% of blogs never make more than $5. Most blogs don't even reach the level of attracting more than just a handful of visitors (let alone make money), so if you earn it, you're already one step ahead of the game.

The simple fact of monetizing a blog is not that simple. The biggest part of this equation is not what you should do, but how prepared your audience is to earn you (by any means). To measure this, I would basically say how much each visitor to your site is worth.

For example, a celebrity gossip blog would cost a visitor a lot less. They are definitely not on the site to spend money, so advertising remains the only viable option for monetization. But this type of person is probably web-savvy and can be blind to most ads, which will reduce advertiser spending.
Although renowned blogger Perez Hilton has made a lot of money from his blog, it has to attract a large audience. Lesson: If you want to make good money from your blog, don't write about celebrity gossip (or anything else that might attract "low quality" viewers)

On the more economical side of the scale, consider a blog that features a review of high-end hi-fi tools. Now we're talking. Visitors to this site may be rich and ready to buy (why are they looking for a review?) If the site owner can mention their purchase of hi-fi equipment and pocket any sales related commissions, he or she will be able to make good money on his blog.

Now I'm not saying that you should launch a hi-fi review blog, but the moral of the story is that you should carefully consider how your view of yourself affects the value of your audience.

At the end of the day, if you have a blog with an audience, you can make money from it. The only question:
  • How much you can make?   
  • How can you make it? (i.e how valuable are your visitors here?)

You should consider these questions carefully. Below we remember them through various methods of monetization.


Advertising is the least common denominator for making money from your blog. This is undoubtedly the most popular form of monetization (due to a platform like AdSense) and the easiest to implement. You can upload some advertising banners to your site today and start earning money if your site has more than a handful of visitors.

The screenshot below is an example of Google Adsense on a website, something you've seen many times before.

This may seem true and it is also very good to an extent. Although online advertising is very easy to implement, you will struggle to make a lot of money from it if you do not have a lot of traffic to your site. Your revenue per visitor will be very low.

For example, I currently have a small five-page niche site (shown above) that attracts only 600 visitors per month. On average, it's worth half a cent for each unique visitor. While this is a final example (you can certainly earn more from viewers than advertising), it does highlight the difficulty of generating more than a small amount from online advertising.

Leave behind working with my blog to make money through the monetization method discussed below. The revenue for visitors last month was nine cents. This is 28 times more revenue from each unique visitor to my site.
We use advertising here as a part of our monetization strategy at Freelance Switch, as  shown above.

Advertising is an option for your blog. Nevertheless, be careful not to rely on it as your only blog source of income. You can only select the ad when you exhaust all other options or supplement other monetization methods.

2.Affiliate Marketing

Through affiliate marketing, we revisit the real money fields from your blog. However, your journey will not be without loss.

For those of you who don't know, affiliate marketing is just the promotion of another's product or service and getting a piece of money as a commission after the sale is complete. It is hugely popular among bloggers as it combines the ease of implementing advertising with the high earning potential of more profitable (but more involved) forms of monetization.

It is important to include a refusal to notify your audience that you are promoting affiliate products on the Affiliate Disclaimer, My Resources page.There are dark sides to looking for affiliate marketing.

In order to earn commissions, it is very difficult not to compromise on promoting another person's products. Say for example you are making $ 1000 from one product per month. What if that product releases an update that you hate? Do you now publicly condemn a product at the risk of diminishing those reliable returns? This is a type of affinity marketed by affiliate marketers.

In fairness, while some may not consider it ambiguous and happy to continue promoting, I am assuming that you have moral values ​​that govern your business decisions.

Furthermore, affiliate marketing is one area where you can experience varying degrees of success. Consider for example how I make money from affiliate marketing. Most of my affiliate income is from web hosting package sales. Each commission paid me a great $ 100.

On the other hand, I can literally help sell hundreds of other recommended products and still don't make as much money from hosting. When it comes to affiliate marketing, you can make as much as possible from low-value advertising or as high as possible from high-end product releases. There is a huge range of income possibilities.

Although I was almost on an approved income last month. Earned 1,400, as shown above, Amazon is responsible for only $ 12. If Amazon were the only affiliate income channel on my blog, I would rarely do this monetization strategy.
Another issue with affiliate marketing is ownership. As an affiliate marketer, you don't own the product you're promoting.

A company may be tied up and you will never get your money. It may take up to 90 days for them to actually pay. There is usually a marginal level of minimum income for repayment. You can see that the affiliate program is literally pulled overnight for any product you promote. When you are not in control of the product, you have no control over your income.

In short, affiliate marketing is not for the ignorant heart. You can make a lot of money out of it, in which case you must be presented with situations where you have been challenged to compromise your moral values. Furthermore, a lack of control can lead to frustrating situations. But if you can tackle these issues, you must make money.

3.Offers Service

This is one of the most profitable ways to make money from your blog, but arguably one of the most overlooked methods, it probably doesn't comply with the concept of "passive income" that so many bloggers desire. But ignore your chances of loss. There is service provided through your blog which enabled me to quit my job and you are the reason to read it now.
Offering services is as easy as setting up a rental me or services page on your blog that provides services for your readers. Here is the Higher Me page on my blog.
The idea is simple, discover a service your blog readers are interested in and offer a solution. Examples include:
  • Freelance Writing for a Content Marketing Blog.
  • Weight Loss Advice for Health and Fitness Blog.
  • Graphic design of a great blog that showcases great logo design.
  • Book keeping services for the financial planning blog.
  • Photography Services at Wedding Blogs.

The list can go on virtually indefinitely.
Simply put, if anyone has a need and you have valuable skills to address that need, you can provide a relevant service through your blog. Selling that service on your site requires very little effort. You only need time to create your rental me or services page and you can start making money tomorrow.

Of course, the disadvantage of offering services is that the business model is a direct deal for money. You work for X hours and you make Y dollars. Of course, many people will not complain about earning $ 100 or more per hour (which is certainly possible with the right service).

Probably the best thing about the provision of service is that you can offer it from day one and your readers are less likely to bat an eyelid. You are offering a service that they may or may not use, and this is coming directly from you, not when you are pushing affiliate products or plastering your website with ads. Those more "threatening" forms of monetization will always leave a question in the reader's head about your intentions. You can be completely transparent with your offer when it comes to your own services.

4.Information of Products

I saved my favorite in the end.

For those looking for the Holy Grail of Passive Income, information products are where you find it. The idea is simple: create an electronic product and sell it. This product can be a PDF, a video course or even a membership site. Overheads are extremely low and profit margins are extremely high. Furthermore, once you've created the product, there's no need to do anything other than to tinker with your sales page, promote it, and raise your money.

Nard Fitness - An Extremely Popular Health And Fitness Blog - Promotes Source 85% from Information Products.

Of course, creating profitable information products is not so easy. First there are the challenges of creating something that people will realize as valuable enough to spend money on. This can have a lot to do with the quality of the product as much as your audience is engaged with it. Then you have to figure out how to sell it (figuratively and literally) to your audience.

However, it doesn't have to be too complicated to create an information product. I'm a big advocate of jumping head first and learning from experience. Even a small customer base can be a profitable outcome.

It's Time to Action

Although I outlined four methods of monetization I would really only sincerely recommend two: services and information products. Although affiliate marketing is a great option (I use it), it can compromise your approach to blogging and should be approached with caution.

Meanwhile, selling your own services and information products allows you to blog with a clear conscience and will open up all kinds of money opportunities.
Even if your blog is a day old, you can launch a Hire Me page and start making money from your blog. Similarly, even if you only have a handful of customers, you can create an information product and work around building your blog. Once you've set up your deployments, it's just a matter of driving more people to your blog.

So there we think. We are at the end of our series on creating a profitable authority blog. These ten posts have everything you need right now to create something truly worthwhile. Only action is left. Good luck!

Tag : Make money online, Make money, Passive income, online income ideas.

How to Monetize Your Authority Blogs Or website How to Monetize Your Authority Blogs Or website Reviewed by HaXaPaRk on 11:03 PM Rating: 5

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